
Publications ‣ NHBSS

Vol. 1, No. 2, 1914

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  • Free to Siam Society Members (on request).
  • Non-member Individuals; THB 300 (Thailand) / US$ 32 (International)
  • Previous issues are available at THB 150 / US$ 7.50 plus postage.

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Descriptions of New Reptiles from Siam.

G.A. Boulenger (With notes. by Malcolm Smith)NHBSS_001_2a_Boulenger_DescriptionsOfN

The Birds of Bangkok.

W.J.F. WilliamsonNHBSS_001_2b_Williamson_TheBirdsOfBan

The Snakes of Bangkok.

Malcolm SmithNHBSS_001_2c_Smith_TheSnakesOfBangko

A Short List of Birds from the Raheng District.

C.S. BartonNHBSS_001_2d_Barton_AShortListOfBird

Miscellaneous Notes

Distribution of Certain Animals in Siam.

G.F. Weston ElwesNHBSS_001_2e_Elwes_DistributionOfCerta

Seasonal oily secretion in Gaur or Seladang

K.G. GairdnerNHBSS_001_2f_Gairdner_SeasonalOilySecr

Distribution of the ” Lamang” Deer (Cervus eldi platyceros.)

A.J. IrwinNHBSS_001_2g_Irwin_DistributionOfTheLa

Note on Two Rare Mammals, Berdmore’s Rat (Hapalomys longicaudatus) and Fea’s muntjac (Cervulus feae).

K.G. GairdnerNHBSS_001_2h_Gairdner_NoteOnTwoRareMa

Note on Langur Monkeys.

K.G. GairdnerNHBSS_001_2i_Gairdner_NoteOnLangurMonk

Large Horns of Malay Sambar (Cervus unicolor equinus).

K.G. GairdnerNHBSS_001_2j_Gairdner_LargeHornsOfMala

Occurrence of The Indian Three-toed Kingfisher (Ceyx tridactyla) in Bangkok.

E.G. HerbertNHBSS_001_2k_Herbert_OccurrenceOfTheInd

Note on the Red-breasted Paroquet (Palaeornis fasciatus).

E.G. HerbertNHBSS_001_2l_Herbert_NoteOnTheRedBrea

Small Minivet (Pericrocotus peregrinus) Breeding in Bangkok.

E.G. HerbertNHBSS_001_2m_Herbert_SmallMinivetPeri

Occurrence of the Chinese Francolin (Francolinus chinensis) in Bangkok.

A.J. IrwinNHBSS_001_2n_Irwin_OccurrenceOfTheCh

Some Interesting Birds Found Near the Western Boundary.

J.F. KeddieNHBSS_001_2o_Keddie_SomeInterestingB

Occurrence of the Krait (Bungarus candidus) and the Small-spotted Coral Snake (Callophis maculiceps) in Siam, A New Color Variety of the Latter.

Malcolm SmithNHBSS_001_2p_Smith_OccurrenceOfTheKrai

Sluggishness of a Python.

K.G. GairdnerNHBSS_001_2q_Gairdner_SluggishnessOfAP

On the breeding Habits of Hypsirhina enhydris and Herpeton tentcaulatum (The Tentacle Snake).

Malcolm SmithNHBSS_001_2r_Smith_OnTheBreedingHabits

Note on a Rare Lizard, (Lygosoma isodactylum.)

Malcolm SmithNHBSS_001_2s_Smith_NoteOnARareLizardLy

Proceedings of General Meetings
